Terms & Conditions

In consideration of the mutual agreements and covenants set forth below, the payment of rent and the deposit of the amount specified below to secure the premises from damage, the Lessor hereby agrees to rent to Lessee the premises described above for the term stated. The rented premises shall be used as dwelling, and not otherwise, and shall not be sublet, assigned or transferred in any manner without the written consent of the Lessor. Any rents received will not be subject to recall by Lessee. The Lessor and Lessee further agree, as follows:

Furnished by Lessor: Subject to the terms and conditions in this Agreement, Lessor rents to Lessee, and Lessee rents from Lessor, for residential purposes only, the real property and improvements, together with the furniture and linens, tv’s etc

Payment of Rent:
Lessee shall pay in full the monthly rent specified above before move in Rent shall be paid through a payment link sent separately. Lessee agrees to permit Lessor to send text messages relating to past due rents and all other matters pertaining to the obligations of this rental contract to Lessee’s cell phone number.

Payment Application:
Money received by Lessor from Lessee shall be applied to Lessee’s account in the following manner: first, to outstanding dishonored check fees; second, to outstanding late fees chargeable to tenant; third, to outstanding legal fees, court costs, and/or administrative fees; fourth, to outstanding (if) utility bills are tenant’s responsibility; fifth, to Lessee chargeable damages to property: sixth, to collection agency fees: seventh; to costs for re-letting the property – if applicable; eighth and lastly to rent.

Lessor furnishes Water, Electricity, Gas and Internet. Management to provide utilities.

Move-Out Final Inspection:

The use of gasoline stoves or other similar fuel burning appliances using highly flammable liquids and the use of portable kerosene, butane or propane stoves or other similar portable fuel burning appliances for cooking is prohibited by law and by this agreement. Any appliances included with the house are the property of the Lessor. At any time Lessee deems an appliance unsafe or in poor working order, Lessee agrees to no longer use the appliance until Lessee deems the appliance has been satisfactorily repaired.

Other Lessee Responsibilities:
The Lessee shall be responsible for the following:
a. Change the air filter in the air conditioner system once per month.
b. Comply with all obligations imposed on Lessee by building and housing codes materially affecting health and safety;
c. Keep the property, appliances and premises as clean and safe as possible;
d. Dispose from the rented dwelling unit and premises all ashes, garbage, rubbish, and other waste in a clean and safe manner;
e. Use the plumbing in a reasonable manner and if by Lessee misuse it should freeze, burst, or get out of order, Lessee agrees to sustain cost of same repairs (the Lessor is to maintain and repair at Lessor’s expense any plumbing deficiencies due to normal wear and tear)
f. Keep all plumbing fixtures in the dwelling unit or used by the Lessee as clean as possible; g. Use in a reasonable and safe manner all electrical, plumbing, sanitary, heating, ventilating, air conditioning and other facilities and appliances; and repairs made that are caused by Lessee’s neglect, abuse, or misuse will be paid by Lessee.
h. Not deliberately or negligently destroy, deface, damage, impair, or remove any part of the premises or knowingly permit any person to do so;
i. Conduct himself/herself and require other persons on the premises with his consent to conduct themselves in a manner that will not disturb his neighbors’ peaceful enjoyment; and j. To abide by any rules or regulations adopted by the Lessor to promote the convenience, safety, or welfare of Lessee in the premises to preserve the property or fairly distribute services or facilities;
k. Lessee certify that the Lessee, their family, invitees or guests will not engage in any illegal activity while on the premises;
l. To maintain the plumbing in good working order to prevent leaks, stoppages, discharges from pipes, faucets, drains, fixtures, etc.
m. To provide for all pest control services. Upon termination or expiration of this agreement, Lessee agrees to have deducted from their deposit $200 per room in the event a licensed pest control provider determines the presence of bed bugs and $200 in the event a licensed pest control provider determines the presence of a major roach or rat infestation due to uncleanliness of the premises.

Security Deposit:
Lessee has placed with Lessor a security deposit in the amount set forth above. This deposit will be utilized to offset any charges incurred at move-out including cleaning, repairs, and painting. It is not an advance of rent and may not be deducted from a rental payment at any time and Lessor may receive interest on these funds. Lessee has inspected and accepts the premises in its as-is condition on the first day of this rental agreement and fully understands that the deposit is forfeited in the event Lessee moves out of the premises for any reason before the end of the rental term specified in section 1 or before the completion of any extension or renewal term thereof.

Smoke Alarm(s):
Lessee acknowledges that Lessee has the responsibility of testing all smoke alarm(s) monthly. If Lessee discovers a malfunctioning smoke alarm, Lessee must report to Lessor within 24hrs of discovery and Lessor will handle properly and in a timely manner. If location of smoke alarm appears to contribute to the malfunction of a smoke alarm (example: smoke alarm placed close to kitchen and/or bathroom has resulted in false alarms) Lessee must notify Lessor of malfunction in order to place smoke alarm properly preventing false alarm. Lessee will not remove smoke alarm under any circumstances. Lessee will be charged for replacement of removed smoke alarms including service call, material, and labor.

Alterations & Additions:
Lessee shall make no alterations or additions nor install nor maintain on the premises major appliances or devices of any kind without in each case obtaining the written consent of Lessor. If made, or installed, with or without consent, all alterations, additions and fixtures become part of the real property and shall remain at expiration or termination of the Rental Agreement term.

Loss of Services:
Lessor shall not be responsible to Lessee or any others for a loss or reduction of services by acts not willful, or conditions beyond Lessor’s control, nor shall any loss or reduction of services terminate this Rental Agreement or reduce the amount of rental due hereunder, except as provided by law.

Access to Property:
Lessor shall have access to the rented premises at all reasonable times in order to inspect same, make necessary or agreed repairs, decorations, alterations, or improvements, supply necessary or agreed services, or exhibit the rented premises to prospective or actual purchasers, mortgagees, Lessee, workmen, contractors or insurance representatives. Except in case of emergency or unless impractical to do so, the Lessor shall make two (2) attempts to call or contact the Lessee in advance of inspections. In any case where the Lessee has not paid the rent, court costs, late charges or any of the other charges that are a part of this agreement, the Lessor does not have to give any notice to inspect the property.

Maintenance & Repairs:
Lessor agrees to repair the property when repairs needed are caused by forces beyond Lessee’s control and to which Lessee have not contributed. All repairs and maintenance that Lessor is responsible for shall be done at Lessor’s sole discretion. Lessee agrees to keep the premises in a clean and good condition at all times and to repair the premises or property:
a. When damage is caused by misuse or neglect, rather than as a consequence solely of normal and reasonable wear.
b. When sanitary napkins, garbage, grease, or foreign or harmful substances are placed into plumbing receptacles.
c. When damage results from activities or actions, which violate this agreement by Lessee or Lessee’s guest(s).
d. When damage is caused by wind, rain, or other elements from leaving windows open or by the overflow of water in the property.
e. When and if the premises are burglarized or broken into. Upon inspection, Lessee agrees to pay for damages as follows: $30 for each hole in wall under 12 inches in diameter, $50 for each whole in the wall over 12 inches, but under 24 inches in diameter, $20 for broken light fixtures, $25 for damaged door knobs, $25 for each broken window, $20 for missing smoke alarm, $20 for damages light switch or receptacle, $85 for door with hole (door replacement) Lessee agrees to report needed repairs to the Lessor. In any event Lessee believes repairs are not being performed on a timely basis, Lessee agrees to contact the property owner in writing at the address listed above. In no case will the Lessor pay for materials or labor contracted for by the Lessee without prior written authorization. Anything added to and affixed to the property shall become the property of the Lessor and not removed. Lessor may make improvements and/or additions to the premises at anytime. If professional assistance is needed or in the case of a maintenance emergency, Lessee should contact the emergency number at 804-485-1277. Lessee agrees to allow thirty (30) days for the Property Manager to remedy any repair issue that is the Lessor’s responsibility according to the terms in this section.

In the event of Lessee’s death before expiration of this Rental Agreement, Lessor shall have the right to declare this Rental Agreement terminated. Lessor shall have the right to remove personal property or belongings of the Lessee from the rented premises and store same at a commercial storage firm at Lessee’s expense, or on suitable portions of the rented premises. Lessor shall reasonable precautions to safeguard said property or belongings but shall not be obliged to store same under this item and shall not be responsible for loss or damage beyond his control.

If Lessee should be declared bankrupt during the term of this Rental Agreement, the Lessor, at his option, may terminate this Rental Agreement. If so terminated, the Lessee agrees to promptly vacate the premises removing all personal property and belongings and upon his failure to do so, the Lessor may take all steps necessary, including storage of Lessee’s property, and shall not be responsible to Lessee for loss or damage due to causes beyond Lessor’s control. No receiver, trustee or other judicial officer shall have any right, title or interest in or to the above described property by virtue of this contract or of the claims of the Lessee or any third party claims.

Ten (10) days absence:
By Lessee with rent unpaid, or the removal of a substantial portion of Lessee’s personal property without explanation or notice to Lessor, shall be deemed an abandonment of the rented premises by Lessee. In such event, Lessor may reenter the rented premises immediately, take all action necessary to remove remaining property and belongings of Lessee, and re-let or sublet as Lessee’s agent, without notice and without responsibility for damages resulting therefrom.

The Application & Personal Info page:
To rent the premises herein rented is hereby made a part of this Rental Agreement. Lessee warrants the information contained therein and if false, the Lessor may, at his option, terminate the Rental Agreement.

Hazardous Items:
Lessee shall not keep or have on the rented premises any article or thing of a dangerous, inflammable, or explosive character that might unreasonably increase the danger of fire on the rented premises or that might be considered hazardous by any responsible insurance company.

Returned Check:
If a check presented to Lessor for payment is returned by a financial institution for any reason, Lessee will immediately replace returned check with cash or money order and will pay a returned check charge of $ 50.00. At Lessor’s option, all remaining payments by Lessee will only be accepted in form of cash, money orders, or certified checks. Two (2) or more returned checks constitute grounds for termination of this contract, at Lessor’s option.

Vehicles / Trailers:
Lessee shall keep only those vehicles and trailers listed on rental application on or about the rented premises. Parking in the yard or on the grass is not permitted. THE LESSEE PROMISE THAT NO CARS, TRUCK, RV’S, COMMERCIAL EQUIPMENT OR TRAILERS WILL BE PARKED ON THE UNPAVED AREAS OF THE LAWN AND SPECIALLY AUTHORIZE THE LESSOR TO HAVE ANY VEHICLES REMOVED AND PLACED INTO STORAGE AT THE LESSEE’S EXPENSE.

Lessee shall not have the right or authority to sublease the premises or any part thereof, or to transfer or assign this Lease, without the written consent of the Lessor. Lessee agrees that should the leased premises be sold or title thereto transferred or conveyed, or should this Lease be assigned, then Lessor shall be released and discharged from all covenants and obligations of the Lessor hereunder, and thereafter the Lessee’s rights and remedies for any breach of obligations imposed upon Lessor shall be against the person, firm or corporation succeeding to the rights of Lessor.

Hazardous Conditions:
Lessee is responsible for reporting any and all hazardous conditions to Lessor. No rights of storage are included with this agreement. Lessee agrees to accept full responsibility for any injury, damage or loss regardless of the cause unless said mishap directly results from negligence of the Lessor in remedying a prior hazardous condition which had been reported in writing. Injury, damages, losses may result from, but not limited to: fire, breakage, burglary, water, snow, windstorm, and/or electrical failure, associated with any portion of the land or improvements thereto especially with regard to any pipes, fittings, electrical or gas lines, equipment and/or appliances. Lessee agree that the hot water heater setting shall never be set higher than 120 Degrees Fahrenheit and warrants that the hot water temperature will be checked immediately upon taking possession of the premises. If the hot water heater needs adjustment, this will be communicated to the Lessor in writing within 3 days. Thereafter any adjustments shall be presumed to have been made by the Lessee and the Lessor shall not be liable nor responsible in any manner for the damage or injury to Lessee, the Lessee’ family members, guests or others.

Lessee will return possession of premises to Lessor in the same or better condition than beginning date of this Rental Agreement. Premises should be clean and ready to rent to new Lessee, normal wear excepted, including clean windows, broom swept, working light fixtures, and move-out condition / inspection will be graded & compared against move-in inspection. Fees for material and labor in addition to damage fees will be deducted from security deposit and if fees to restore premises to move-in condition exceed funds set aside in the security deposit, Lessor may report deficiency to credit bureaus and may pursue legal action to collect expenses incurred from Lessee.

Lessor’s Limitation of Liability:
Lessor shall not be responsible or liable to the Lessee, his invitees, any authorized occupant, or any other person claiming by or through Lessee, for any injury or damage resulting from acts or omissions of persons occupying property adjoining the leased premises, or for any injury or damage resulting to the Lessee or his property from bursting, stoppage, or leaking of water, gas, sewers or steam pipes, except where such loss or damage occurs from the willful or negligent misconduct of the Lessor, his agents or employees in the operation or maintenance of the leased premises.

Binding Effect:
The covenants, terms, conditions, provisions and undertakings in this Lease or any renewals thereof shall extend to and be binding upon the heirs, executors, administrators, successors and assigns of the respective parties hereto, as if they were in every case named and expressed

Legal Fees, Court Costs, Special Charges:
Lessee is responsible for all court costs, attorney fees, and all other reasonable charges associated with legal action allowed by law for the Lessor to enforce any or all parts of this rental agreement. If Lessor refers Lessee’s account for collection, Lessee’s balance shall increase 33% for collection fee and interest will accrue thereon. If Lessee desire to continue to rent the premises after being in default or after being served for eviction or with notice of termination, they agree to reimburse the Lessor for actual costs incurred to enforce collection or parents, to serve notices, for filing fees, etc., including costs of collectors, deputies, marshals, police constables, etc., prior to regaining entry or reinstatement of their status as Lessee. Lessee also agrees to pay Lessor for the applicable services performed by the Lessor that are listed in this paragraph. Lessee and Lessor agree to resolve all disputes regarding the payment or non-payment of rent through the County Justice Court system and with regard to County Justice Court, both Lessee and the Lessor warrant that they will each pay their own legal costs and expenses of lawyers and court costs etc. and hereby hold the other harmless for such costs. EXCEPT FOR NON-PAYMENT OF RENT, ANY DISPUTE BETWEEN THE PARTIES ARISING FROM OR RELATING TO A CLAIM FOR PERSONAL INJURY, WHICH IS DIRECTLY OR INDIRECTLY RELATED TO, OR ARISING FROM A CONDITION OF THE LEASED PREMISES OR THE COMMON AREAS, OR ANY EVENT THEREON, SHALL BE RESOLVED SOLELY BY ARBITRATION CONDUCTED BY THE AMERICAN ARBITRATION ASSOCIATION. Any such arbitration shall be held and conducted in the county in which the premises are located before one arbitrator. The provisions of the American Arbitration Association rules shall apply and govern such arbitration, subject, however, to the following: (a) Any demand for arbitration shall be made in writing by certified mail to the addresses herein and must be made within 180 days after the claim, dispute or other matter in question has arisen. In no event shall the demand for arbitration be made after the date that institution of legal or equitable proceedings based on such a matter would have been barred by the applicable statute of limitations. (b) The arbitrators’ jurisdiction extends to all punitive damages claims and call actions. (c) Each party shall bear their own respective fees and cost relative to the arbitration process, and attorneys’ fees, if awarded shall not exceed $500.00. (d) All administrative fees and costs, including but not limited to the arbitrators’ fees relative to the arbitration process must be advanced prior to the selection of the arbitration panel and shall be borne equally by all parties. (e) The decision of the arbitrators shall be final, and judgment may be entered on it in accordance with applicable law.

Termination and Default:
The Lessee shall notify the Lessor in writing with a confirmed response at least 30 days prior to vacating the premises. PARTIAL RENTS WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED when Lessee vacates mid-month. If the Lessor is terminating this Agreement, he shall give 30 days’ notice in writing prior to the end of the month for which rent has been received. However, if Lessor terminates this agreement due to underpayment or non-payment of rent, Lessor will give Tenant 3 working days, excluding holidays and weekends, in which to pay all rents, penalties, and fees in certified funds, transfers or money orders. Should Lessee default in any rent payments when due, Lessor may terminate this lease, and it is placed with an attorney and/or court for collection. Lessee agrees to pay a reasonable attorney’s fee and all costs of collection. The Lessor may also re-enter the premises and repossess same, and expel Lessee from the premises and those claiming under him, and remove all property and effects, forcibly if necessary, without being guilty of trespassing in any manner, and without prejudice to any remedies to collect rents or damages, and without necessity for legal process. On any default of this contract other than non-payment of rent, the Lessor will give Lessee 14 days in which to cure said default. All defaults must be corrected within the above-mentioned time frames or the tenancy will be automatically terminated without further notice. Should the Lessee continue to occupy the premises after the effective date of termination, the Lessee will be considered as “holding over” and will pay a rent equal to 125% the amount listed in section 1 of this agreement. Violation of agreements by the Lessee(s) specifically creates a lien against Lessee(s) personal property situated on the premises in favor of the Lessor, to secure any monies due Lessor. The failure of Lessor to enforce any provision herein shall not preclude subsequent enforcement of any provision herein. Should Lessor contract with a buyer to sell the rented property, Lessor has the option of terminating this contract after providing Lessor(s) with 30 days’ notice. Lessee(s) will vacate the property at the end of this 30-day period.

Lawn Care:
Lessor is responsible for all lawn care and maintenance.

Violating Laws and Causing Disturbances:
Lessee is entitled to quiet enjoyment of the Premises. Lessee and Lessee’s guests or invitees will not use the Premises or adjacent areas in such a way as to: (1) violate any law or ordinance, including laws prohibiting the use, possession or sale of illegal drugs; (2) commit waste (severe property damage); or (3) create a nuisance by annoying, disturbing, inconveniencing or interfering with the quiet enjoyment and peace and quiet of any other Lessee or nearby resident.

Condition of Premises:
Lessee acknowledges that he has examined the leased premises and accepts same as being in good order and repair except as otherwise noted on signed copies of the lease; Lessee further acknowledges that no promise to decorate alter, repair or improve the premises has been made. Lessor will do periodic unannounced “walk-throughs” to inspect the property and/or perform routine maintenance.

Lessee shall keep no domestic or other animals on or about the rented premises without the written consent of Lessor. Lessee agrees that no pets will be allowed in this residence. Violation of this agreement is cause for eviction.

Personal Property Insurance:
Lessee shall insure, and keep insured, at Lessee’s expense, all personal property placed or stored on the leased premises which is owned by the Lessee or any authorized occupant of the leased premises. Lessor is not liable for any damage to Lessee’s property that may accrue on account of any defect in the building or premises, or from rain, wind, burglary, vehicle damage or other causes. Lessee has the right to waive this insurance at lessee’s own expense.

Mutual Release of Liability Covered by Insurance:
The Lessor and Lessee and all parties claiming under them hereby mutually release and discharge each other from all claims and liabilities arising from or caused by any hazard covered by insurance on the leased premises, or covered by insurance in connection with property on or activities conducted on the leased premises, regardless of the cause of damage or loss.

Any notice by either party to the other shall be in writing and shall be deemed to be duly given only if delivered personally or mailed by registered mail in a postpaid envelope, addressed to the Lessee at the address provided for in this Lease Agreement, and to the Lessor at the address noted on this Lease. If either party admits, either in writing or under oath, the receipt of notice, evidence of service in accordance herewith shall not be necessary LESSEE EXPRESSLY WAIVES ANY AND ALL REQUIREMENTS FOR WRITTEN NOTICE OR DEMAND FOR NON- PAYMENT OF RENT.

Lessor may contact above listed person(s) if an emergency occurs including non-payment of rent.

Additional Provisions:
(The following additional provisions have been made part of this rental agreement)

This Rental Agreement contains the entire agreement between these parties. No oral agreements or representations have been made by the Lessor or shall be binding upon the parties unless set forth in writing in this Rental Agreement. All notices called for in this Rental Agreement are to be in writing. If any provision of this contract is held to be illegal, invalid, or unenforceable under the present or future laws effective during the term of this contract, such provision will be fully severable; this contract will be construed and enforced as if such illegal, invalid, or unenforceable provision had never comprised a part of this contract, and the remaining provisions of this contract will remain in full force and effect and will not be affected by the illegal, invalid, or unenforceable provision or by its severance from this contract. Furthermore, in lieu of such illegal, invalid, or unenforceable provision, there will be added automatically as a part of this contract a provision as similar in terms to such
illegal, invalid, or unenforceable provision as may be possible and be legal, valid, and enforceable. I CERTIFY THAT I HAVE READ, OR HAVE HAD READ TO ME ALL OF THE ABOVE LEASE AND UNDERSTAND THAT ANY VIOLATION OF ANY PART OF THIS LEASE WILL CONSTITUTE A BREACH OF THE LEASE.